25 years at the intersection of sustainability solutions, good education, youth leadership, positive media, social enterprise, good governance and culture.
My path and relations.
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I want Youth Leadership at every School
and that our beautiful youth grow up with today’s Gandhis and Gryffindores
~ and I bring all that’s needed to make that happen!
EDIT – short concise like new YL, at bottom do u know anything comparable for youth, and at your region’s schools? do you appreciate what i do?I don’t need thoughts and prayers or praise. I don’t care for people finding my work “interesting and laudable and worthy of support”. I care for people that say “wow, how can I help?” because only these people understand and do support.
col 1: Help me work freely at full pace by joining 200 people donating $10 monthly for a total of $2,000 monthly at buymeacoffee and get our FREE young hero*ines story set and regular updates on the quest’s progress. col 2: learn about youth leadership in our free short mini course, col 3: boost local youth leadership, col 4: boost my global hero*ine friends and youth leadership learnspaces in crisis regions.
Thank you for being awesome.
Anyone else: Start opening your eyes and dare feel the pain in the world, dare feel the hope in masse youth leadership, stop being a coward and start doing the urgently needed new.
I commit #fulltimeforfuture to activate a global generation of Able Active Caring Citizens wielding humanity’s finest solutions to co-create the next level GOOD civilization.
I work globally but I constantly TOUR EUROPE to activate (your) cities and regions
with all the programs you see below. Call me in!
Operating at the intersection of regenerative solutions, youth leadership, good education and positive change media culture, I have spent my past 25 years in daily company of the world’s finest teen hero*ines and visionary creatives. This makes me a rare species. Of good value for you.
I help you
1. see and understand the fascinating Youth Leadership phenomenon
which you’ve only seen 1% of … and it’s the boring part 😉
Can you name 10 children and youth that HAVE changed lives, land, laws and industries in your region?
If not, your city needs this
2. I help you spark, amplify and evolve High Impact Youth Leadership
Not protests but PROJECTS that change lives, land, learning, laws, industries and create inner and outer peace, joy and abundance for all
Do you have teen hero*ines in town and changemaker student clubs at several schools?
If not, you need this
3. I help you make changemaking a ‘Sport’ and Lifestyle
omni-present in daily life at home, school, workplace, in town and media
Are charity champs, Philanthro-Parties, development projects and exciting milestones present in public spaces and workplaces?
If not, your city needs this
4. I help you bring SDGs, ESD, LfS, SEL and Global Learning, school partnerships and exchange programs to life in Edu-action
in classrooms, powered by student clubs and involving parents, partners and the greater community with ripple effects in your region
Do you live SDGs and ESD in Action, like we do with music and sports - in practice with quality benchmarks and tangible impact on changing lives and land?
If not, your school needs this
In fact, most schools and towns need all of this – since few people even know of today’s teens and student clubs doing high impact projects outperforming adult organizations. Or when they seen them on media, people fail to realize that their local youth can do the same; and unless they do, there can never be an active citizenry. Lucky you, I design programs that boost all of this, since they connect like modular add-ons, amplify another and give users countless options to go bigger. Check out your new opportunities below!
Practical tools, tips and tricks for high impact youth leadership, activating the Change Generation, the role of adult allies and your roles in this grand quest of our lifetime. Plus Eric’s take on global issues in this context.
THE HERO SHOW on youtube
Eric in casual conversation with changemakers, magical coaches, users and you on their solutions, achievements, adventures, what’s next and how you can take part.
Meet your Show and Podcast Host
This luminous, biggest, most peaceful, best educated and beautiful young generation in human history inherits an ocean of abominations threatening their to destroy their homes, lands, lives, joys and dreams.
In order to make it through this turbulent and hurtful 21st Century, they deserve nothing but humanity’s finest solutions and support for creating a good world of peace, joy and abundance for all. The solutions exist.
Since 2,000, I create diverse books, methods, tools, programs and supportive services for and with diverse partners. View latest news.

I love Life on Earth and my passion is to help people realize their good dreams for people and planet.
My Flagship Projects for You
to boost youth leadership, changemakers and replicate model solutions globally
For 21st Century Edu-action
Imagine all of it copy-pasted to your region. It’s available, simple, swift – and inside these programs are 400 youth- and people-powered model solutions with multiplex tangible impact on lives and land.
Next, let’s look beyond specific projects … at the bigger picture and how to nurture the *Cultural Asset* youth leadership / active citizenship.
Create An Enabling Environment for Young People
to self-organize projects changing lives, land, learning, laws and industries
Frankly, it’s tough to start it by yourself. But you’re no longer empty-handed or alone.
A Global Ecosystem of Partners – Resources & Relations for You
for youth and adult allies fired up to do for people and planet fast
A LearnPlanet
to find and get found
- only high impact changemakers ready to work with people that want to do respond to today’s urgency and do relevant stuff for people and planet with a sense of fun and adventure
- and magical coaches and places to visit as friend and ally
for experiences that money can’t buy.

It’s all here. Now #bemoreawesome, mount your horses, boost hero*ines, wield your magic wands – and keep learning solutions, follow unfolding adventures on the Hero Show, the Planetary Guardian, in YL Magazine and tell me of your achievements, breakthroughs and breakdowns on the show!
Let’s activate EUROPE at record pace!
I constantly tour Europe and respond to your invitations
While I work globally, my physical focus is EUROPE
- to activate its uniquely powerful potentials
- to protect its peace, prosperity, democracy, liberties and dreams for our young generations
- to nurture Pan-European School Partnerships powered by student clubs united for projects to natural and cultural heritage, boosting social business and Living SDGs in Action
= to create The Europe We Love.

Give me a “space” and I come around! View below
* Call me (and Hero*ine friends) into Town *
We give all that we have and all that we are empower you and your youth
Do you appreciate my work?
As social entrepreneur and coach, I respond to opportunities, requests and coaching needs as they arise.
Organizations in stiff funding corsets cannot do this. Hence, YL doesn’t work on funding but on crowdfunding, services and sales.
This means, that all these programs for young hero*ines, youth and their adult allies will become real IF GOOD PEOPLE LIKE YOU WANT THEM TO HAPPEN.
Since 2017, I have reduced my belongings to a laptop, a few bags, Goldi the Cat and invested $80,000€ worth of time into media production, speakers agency, coaching … for school programs, trainings, exhibits, media sales … and then the pandemic closed all schools. Agh!
A handful of lovely folks crowdfunded my monthly minimum of $1,000€ and we got amazing things done – but now it is high time to speed up performance and move mountains with
- YL Magazine & Positive Change News Agency
- Young Hero*ines Speaker Bureau
- Project Partnerships & Youth Exchanges
- BeMoreAwesome Youth Leadership Program
FREE for youth, teachers, citizens …
for just $2,000€ monthly.